19 february (1)

Water and environmental sustainability

Water and environmental sustainability Featured

The first day of the conference is dedicated to eco-sustainability of water resources, looking at the issues for its management, conservation and how it relates to energy saving and climate change.
The aim is to emphasise the need to implement common policies which will be agreed and shared by all the parties involved.


Preliminary programme

Day 1 - Morning session

Opening of the Conference: Alessandro Zanasi Presidente Aquitaly welcoming address by Authorities

Lectio Magistralis

h 9:00 AM Water resources: Which future

Olcay Unver (Deputy-Director of Land and Water Division-Fao)


Chairman: Michela Vulga (coord. scientifico Ok Salute e Benessere)

h 9:30 The value of water

Jan Lundqvist (Stocholm International Water Institute)

h 10:00 Climate change, water and desertification

Stefano Tibaldi (ARPA Emilia Romagna)

h 10:30 Water: which programmes for an effective sustainability


h 11:00 Immigration and geopolitical Mediterranean scenarios

Bruno Venditto (ISSM- CNR e Universita della Namibia)

h 11:30 Water Wars

Desiree Quagliarotti (ISSM-CNR)

h 12:00 The value of water in the italian agricultural economy

Davide Viaggi (Università degli Studi di Bologna)

h 12:30 Water common good and environmental and economic sustainability

Laura Castellucci (Università degli Studi di Torvergata - Roma)

Day 1 - Afternoon session

Lectio Magistralis

h 14:30 The quality of water in Italy

Massimo Ottaviani (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma)

h 15:00 Water footprint

Marta Antonelli ( King’s College, London - United Kingdom)


The integrated waterworks


Panel Session:

h 15:30 Introduction to the integrated waterworks

Chairman: Emanuela Cartoni (Federutility - Roma)

h 15:45 Inform about the innovation of the integrated waterworks

Luca Montani (Metropolitana Milanese - Milano)

h 16:00 Research, development and innovation in water service

Enrico Rolle (Ministero Ambiente); Claudio Anzalone (HERA);

Andrea Bossola (ACEA); Gianfredi Mazzolani (AQP); Franca Palumbo (IREN)

Armando Quazzo (SMAT); Giuseppe Mininni (IRSA CNR)

h 17:30 Concluding remarks

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